Abstract. Perforating necrobiosis lipoidica is a very rare clinical variant which consists of degeneration and transepidermal elimination of the collagen with few cases reported in the literature. In two-thirds of the patients it& ...
necrobiosis lipoidica
1Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Bezmialem Vakif University, Adnan Menderes Bulvari, Vatan Caddesi, Fatih, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey 2Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University, 35340 Izmir, Turkey.
Dermatology Medical Article: Update on necrobiosis lipoidica: A review of etiology, diagnosis, and treatment options.
I have a skin condition called Necrobiosis Lipoidica. Normally only people with diabetes get this condition, but I have to be the strange one. I believe the reason I have it is because of a lack of a healthy immune system.
Abstract. Perforating necrobiosis lipoidica is a very rare clinical variant which consists of degeneration and transepidermal elimination of the collagen with few cases reported in the literature. In two-thirds of the patients it& ...
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